Housing in Japan, Heian period Shindenzukuri [Shindenzukuri], from the Muromachi period Shoinzukuri, Edo period Momoyama style has been changed with the times and so on [Sukiyazukuri Sukiyazukuri]. In the meantime, various things on its own and was made in Japan for joinery and building materials, such as those developed independently in Japan flows from abroad have been produced, of course. After the war, over Western-style residential proceed, but that also was affected by these fittings, building materials, housing has been used to house Japanese-style Western-style course is built today. This is because with the many benefits and well suited to the climate of Japan is of these tools were produced by ancient wisdom, and will not jeopardize the health mean that natural materials.
Sliding door
Sliding door, as the partition of Japanese-style house, has been used for a long time. Can be easily opened and closed or removed when needed, is a very flexible joinery. Greater role in the arts, painting drawn on the sliding door to the temple and the castle during the Edo period from the Kamakura period (picture sliding door), which remain as important cultural assets.
Sliding door is another room which separates the residential Japanese style joinery. Which was created to divide the space in one big house of Shindenzukuri was originally used as a partition between the room and then also of architectural style.That instead of a wall, used as a partition of the room sliding door can be removed, you are free to change the size of the room. By changing the shape of the space is flexible, and has become one of the characteristics of housing in Japan like this.
The sliding door has the ability to humidity control functions and features insulation, absorbing harmful substances in the room also. This prevents the cold Dari, when humid absorbs the moisture, when dried will allow us to release the moisture.So, to use a sliding door to the closet partition is very useful not only as a measure against moisture. That are suitable for the climate is humid, one of the main reasons for sliding door would have been long used in Japanese houses.
In addition to each other to partition the room, the sliding door sliding door because the picture is drawn, as has the role of interior decoration. The presence of sliding door picture is much the atmosphere of the Japanese-style room complemented me.
Style houses of the nobility of the Heian period, gave priority to proper ventilation, do not partition the room was Shindenzukuri. Nobles, in order to space or partitioned, put a blindfold on, I was using the folding screen and curtains.Under these circumstances, sliding door will be invented. Initially, paste and silk, were used by inserting as a "partition", between the pillars in order to keep off the cold. At the time called "Shoji collectively, the" all that separates the room, such as was referred to as the sliding door sliding door sliding door like the way the current.
Then, (thick paper was imported from China) Toshi Toshi [] is now used, such as the current shape of the sliding door is completed. Around this time, so that the picture will be painted on the sliding door also. During the Kamakura period, sliding door is made to be used in sliding, the use of current is established. The Momoyama period Shoinzukuri have been completed, have the sliding door, and also can be decorated with a large amount of paper and expensive, such as castles, temples, are used to canvas painting bran as an art, there are still currently many works You.
Become popular and the production of paper into the Edo period, first spread from a wealthy merchant, went and then spread to the common people.
To the current sliding door, there is a sliding door sliding door and production broadly divided into the sum. These differences from the internal structure, sliding door, but the sum has partnered with a piece of wood can be from the core and the surrounding frame (Kamachi) (internal members), and mass production is sliding door has been the use of cardboard, a plastic foam. This difference affects the way of paper stuck sliding door.
Sum sliding door, paint the glue to only around it, fastened with a nail stuck in the base paper, called the paper received.Center will be in a floating state at this time (floating paste), so put a paper sliding door on it, can be inside the air layer, which can lead insulation, the humidity control. It is also possible to re-covering. However, mass production sliding door, so to fill a solid surface with glue, such as the sliding door function sum is not and can not be re-covering.
The material of the paper sliding door, the fabric has been used, or high-quality paper that currently Torinokogami. Sliding door to mass production is also used plastic cross.
Material: sliding door
cedar cypress paper